Events Archive

Past events and webinar recordings

October 2022

Online webinarChartered Actuary Q&A with IFoA Chief Executive Stephen Mann

In November IFoA members will be asked to vote on a proposed move to using the Chartered Actuary designation. Council believes that the move will protect and advance the status of IFoA actuaries globally, and lay the foundations for a flourishing profession for decades to come.

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Online webinarChartered Actuary Q&A with IFoA President Matt Saker

In November IFoA members will be asked to vote on a proposed move to using the Chartered Actuary designation. Council believes that the move will protect and advance the status of IFoA actuaries globally, and lay the foundations for a flourishing profession for decades to come.

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Online webinarSocial Care Agenda

Social care reform has long been on the to-do list for successive governments over the last two decades. In February, the government’s proposed reforms to adult social care [including cap on care costs] was published.

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Online webinarInfrastructure as an investment for insurance companies and pension funds

The IFoA's Infrastructure Working Party, led by Chris Lewin, will present its new introductory guide to infrastructure investment, which will be published on the IFoA web-site prior to the webinar. Those readers whose institutions have already taken the plunge into infrastructure will know that it is a highly complex and diverse field of activity.

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September 2022

Online webinarSustainability risk and Net-zero considerations for risk and asset managers

Sustainability risks refer to potential environmental, social or governance (ESG) events which could have a negative impact on the value of an investment. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) imposes mandatory ESG disclosure obligations for asset managers and financial organisations. In this webinar, we focus on environmental / climate-related sustainability risks and Net-Zero considerations.

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Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

The IFoA’s online learning platform offers over 1000 items of original learning content.
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