Prizes and Awards

A number of prizes are awarded to those who show particular merit in actuarial exams.

The Sir Edward Johnston Prize is awarded to the best performing graduating students on the actuarial programmes at several universities linked to the IFoA.

Every year, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) seeks to recognise excellence in research through the award of prizes for research papers. Prizes are funded by the IFoA Foundation.

The President's Award is given to members of the profession who have, in the opinion of the President, made a particular and special contribution to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.  

The Council of the IFoA awards two medals annually, the Gold and Finlaison medals.

The Frank Redington Prizes seek to encourage and recognise innovative thought leadership in fields of interest to actuarial science.

Find out more about our prizes and awards through the quick links provided.