Access arrangements

Find out about access arrangements and what you need to know when applying for them.


Access arrangements (or reasonable adjustments) are changes made to exam conditions. These may be necessary in circumstances where candidates:

  • are experiencing long or short-term conditions or
  • are regarded as disabled in terms of the Equality Act 2010

The below provides an overview of the process. For further information, candidates must also read the Access Arrangements Policy.

Access arrangements: key info

You can make an application for a wide range of reasons. These may include but are not limited to:

  • specific learning difficulties (for example dyslexia and dyspraxia)
  • mental health conditions (for example depression, anxiety, panic attacks and phobias)
  • mobility difficulties (for example wheelchair users)
  • sensory impairments (for example deafness and hearing and visual impairments)
  • autistic spectrum conditions
  • long-term health issues (for example diabetes and arthritis)
  • progressive conditions (for example motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy)
  • impairments with fluctuations or recurring effects (for example epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgic encephalitis and chronic fatigue syndrome)

To apply, please submit to

For more detail, please see the supporting evidence section.

You must submit your applications before the exam entry closing date if you require the access arrangements for the forthcoming exam session.

This is to allow enough time for us to review your application and approve the adjustments to be put in place.

While we may consider late applications, it may not be possible to grant arrangements for the forthcoming exam session due to time constraints.  

If this is the case, we will advise candidates to postpone their exam to the next session so we can put the required arrangements in place.

Should you need help with navigating the access arrangements process, then you can nominate an individual to liaise with the Assessment team on your behalf.

You might find this necessary if you are experiencing a long or short-term condition which makes it difficult for you to access and navigate this process.

To nominate an individual, please inform the Assessment team when submitting your application

Applications must be supported by evidence from a medical or educational professional.

To help you collect evidence to support your application, we strongly advise candidates to use the medical information form for access arrangements.

If you do not provide sufficient evidence, then we will be unable to consider your application. If you’re unsure what evidence to provide, then please contact

Accepted languages and translations

Only supporting documentation written in English can be considered. If the original documentation is in another language, it is the candidate’s responsibility to:

  • obtain and submit a verified translation
  • still adhere to the deadlines

Waiting for evidence

If you are waiting for evidence, then let the assessment team know when you will provide it when you submit a completed application form.

Out of date or unrelated documentation

If you provide documentation that is not relevant or up to date, then our assessment team may request that you obtain and provide additional supporting documentation.

Please see the below for the required documentation for different conditions.

Specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia

A full diagnostic assessment carried out by a psychologist with a practising certificate or a specialist teacher holding an assessment practising certificate.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or dyspraxia

Clinical documentation of diagnosis completed by a qualified healthcare professional with training and expertise in this area.


A report of your diagnostic assessment.


A letter or report from a qualified medical practitioner, for example a GP or psychiatrist. The documentation must:

  • be signed and dated
  • include details of the diagnosis given
  • include symptoms you experience and how these could impact your ability to undertake the exams
  • include recommendations for adjustments

Recommendations for extra time or rest breaks should specify the amount of time. For example, 25% extra time.

Once you apply, our assessment team will:

  • send you an email to confirm we have received your application (the email will come from
  • review your application and supporting evidence
  • send you confirmation that we have put the arrangements in place for the exams you have booked (if we approve these arrangements and can put them in place)

You must ensure you have received this confirmation before sitting your exams. It will also come from

Please check the letter issued to you at your last exam sitting, which states your approved arrangements. The letter will say whether your arrangements were agreed for future IFoA assessments or for the exam session only.

In the IFoA assessments, we do not deduct marks for spelling or grammatical errors. So there is no requirement for spelling or grammar concessions.

The exception to this is the Communications Practice (CP3) exam, where we assess the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

For more information, please refer to:

Please submit an application form and updated supporting evidence that explains:

  • the change in circumstances or diagnosis
  • what changes to your access arrangements you need

All documentation provided when applying for access arrangements is stored securely. We will retain the documentation whilst you are sitting examinations.

For further information, please refer to the Examinations Data Retention Policy.


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Contact Details:

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, 1st Floor, Park Central, 40/41 Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1JD

+44 1865 268 873 

We aim to respond to all enquiries within two working days.
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