Optimising AI tool use in actuarial practice: managing risks and ensuring quality

Tue 21 May 2024 -
09:30 - 10:30

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, some actuaries are increasingly leveraging AI tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and Bard to enhance their work. While these tools offer numerous benefits, including increased efficiency and accuracy, they also introduce new risks that must be carefully managed. In this webinar, our guest speaker Jeremy (Jez) Bassinder, Watson X and Generative AI Leader for UK and Ireland at IBM, aims to provide some practical guidance for actuaries to safely and effectively use AI tools in their practice.

  1. Understanding and mitigating risks associated with public AI tools
  2. Ensuring high-quality output when using AI
  3. Effective governance of AI tools
  4. IBM’s approach to AI tool governance
  5. Q&A session (20 minutes)

This webinar is promoted by the AI Ethics Risks Working Party of the IFoA’s Risk Management Research and Thought Leadership Committee. Perry Thomas is Chair and Jerome Nollet is Deputy Chair. It is important to note that neither the IFoA nor any of its members or parties endorse any software, tools, or products that may be discussed or presented during the webinar.

Featured Speakers


Jeremy (Jez) Bassinder, Watson X and Generative AI Leader for UK and Ireland at IBM, has over 26 years of experience in business and technology and holds degrees from Cambridge in natural sciences and Oxford in strategy and innovation. He helps clients across industries but is considered an expert in the consumer goods industry. He loves helping clients imagine the future and then delivering projects to help them get there.