Book your exams


April 2025 exam entry date change

All April 2025 session exams will begin at 09:00 UK time (BST). You can find the full schedule of exam timings on our Key Dates page.


When can I book?

Each year there are 2 opportunities to sit our examinations: in April and September/October. You can find the full timetable of IFoA exams on our Exam dates web page.

You can sit our online exams at any convenient location. But you will need to book within the exam entry period. Exam entry dates for upcoming examinations are listed on our Exam dates web page.


New joiners

You’ll need to register as a student member to sit most of our exams.

Joining as a non-member

If you wish to try an IFoA exam first before becoming a student member, you can sit the CM1 or CS1 exam as a non-member. Learn more on our non-members page.

To read our step-by-step guide, see our non-member registration form.

Joining as a student member

To sit all our other exams, you will need to join the IFoA as a student member before you book an exam. Learn more at student membership.

Please ensure that you submit your student membership application at least 3 weeks before the exam booking closes.

To read our step-by-step guide, see our student membership application form.


Before you book your exam

Please make sure you are aware of our Examinations Handbook

All examinations are run in UK time with start times varying between 07.00 and 10.00.

You will be able to see your exam start time during our online exam booking process.

Your joining instructions will be available 2 weeks before the start of the exam session on your ‘My Account’ area of the IFoA website.

Have you met your PPD requirements?  

Personal and Professional Development (PPD) is an essential part of your IFoA qualification. You must record a minimum amount of PPD credits and formal learning hours each year, to sit IFoA exams.  

Please make sure you have met your PPD requirements, or you will not be able to book on to IFoA exams. Find out more at PPD requirements for exam booking.

CS and CM exams

Both elements A and B of the CS1, CS2, CM1, and CM2 examinations need to be sat during the same examination sitting.

Non-members wishing to sit the IFoA CS and CM examinations can find information about this on our non-members page.

When booking an exam please ensure that you are/will be in a position to sit the exam on the date and time booked. Refunds will only be made due to circumstances out of your control, such as personal illness or family bereavement.


How to book your exam

Once exam entry opens, you can book IFoA exams by logging in to the My Account area of the IFoA website and navigating to the exams section.

If you wish to pay for your exam using BACs payment, we provide a separate form on this page during the exam booking window.

If you are booking an IFoA exam for the first time, you will need to register before you can book an IFoA exam. Find out how to register and then book your first IFoA exam.


CB3 exam

The CB3 exam entries are managed differently. You can log in to the My Account area of the IFoA website at any time to see available examination dates and to book your exam (once you have completed PSC Stage 1 - formerly OPAT).


Payment for examination entries

You will need to make a credit card, debit card, or PayPal payment for each examination that you book through the My Account area of the IFoA website.

Please ensure you have all the information you need before starting the exam booking and payment process and you are using an up-to-date version of your internet browser. IFoA offers two payment options, Credit/debit Card and PayPal. Should you face any issues paying with one option, we encourage you to try the other. UnionPay is accepted through PayPal.

If you would like to pay by bank transfer you will need to download and complete an Exam Entry form. You will need to email your completed form, along with confirmation of the completed bank transfer, to our Member Services Team.

If you are eligible to pay reduced examination fees, please make sure that you have successfully applied for reduced-rate membership subscription fees as part of your IFoA membership application or renewal before you book any IFoA examinations.

If you have not successfully applied for reduced-rate membership subscription fees, you will automatically be charged the full examination fees when you book an IFoA exam.


Booking confirmation

You will receive an email confirmation of your booking, once it has been processed. You will also be able to view your exam bookings in the Review my exam bookings area in the My Account area of the IFoA website.

You will receive your joining instructions two weeks before your examination date.


Changing your examination booking

If you wish to make changes to your examination booking we may be able to do this for you, however, we cannot guarantee to make the change that you request. Any changes to your booking must be made before the exam entry closing date.

While the exam booking window is open, you can request a change to your online exam booking, including changes to your booked start time (subject to availability), by contacting our Member Services team.

Please note that there may be charges for making changes to your examination booking.

Once the exam booking window is closed we are unable to make any changes to your booking.


Cancellation before the exam booking period closes

If you cancel your exam booking before the exam booking period closes, you will be entitled to a refund of the assessment fees you have paid for that assessment, subject to a deduction of a 10% administrative charge and any applicable bank charges.

A refund form will be available when the exam booking period opens.


Cancellation after the exam booking period has closed

Your entitlement to a refund will depend on the circumstances surrounding your request. We will consider your individual circumstances and make an assessment on whether it is fair and reasonable to exceptionally grant your request for a refund.

If we do accept your request for a refund, you will be entitled to a refund of the assessment fees you have paid for that assessment, subject to a deduction of a 25% administrative charge and any applicable bank charges.

To request a refund for extenuating circumstances (up to 15 days after you have sat your exam) email our Member Services team including the supporting documentation set out in our refund policy, for example, a refund request because of illness or medical grounds should include a medical certificate.

You can find information on how to apply for refunds for exams cancelled outside of the exam booking period in our refund policy.


Cancelling your online exam booking

If you would like to cancel your online exam booking please contact the Member Services team soon as possible.


Cancellation before the assessment registration period closes

You will be entitled to a refund of the assessment fees you have paid for that assessment, subject to a deduction of a 10% administrative charge and any applicable bank charges.


Cancellation after the assessment registration period has closed

Your entitlement to a refund will depend on the circumstances surrounding your request. As we cannot anticipate every situation which may merit a refund, we will consider your individual circumstances and make an assessment on whether it is fair and reasonable to exceptionally grant your request for a refund.


When refunds will not be considered by us:

We will not consider requests for refunds 15 days or more after the assessment, you are seeking a refund for, has taken place.

Read our Refund policy


Changing or cancelling your CB3 exam booking

To change your CB3 examination booking, you will need to cancel and then rebook your examination for a new date.

Please note a charge for changing or cancelling your CB3 exam booking will apply.


Cancelling 3 weeks before your exam date

If you cancel your exam booking 3 weeks before your exam, you will be entitled to a refund of the assessment fees you have paid for that assessment, subject to a deduction of a 10% administrative charge and any applicable bank charges.

Please email our Member Services team to notify them of your exam cancellation and include a completed CB3 Refund application form.


Cancelling after the exam booking window closes

To request a refund for extenuating circumstances (up to 15 days after you have sat your exam) email our Member Services team including the supporting documentation set out in our Refund policy, for example, a refund request because of illness or medical grounds should include a medical certificate.

If we do accept your request for a refund, you will be entitled to a refund of the assessment fees you have paid for that assessment, subject to a deduction of a 25% administrative charge and any applicable bank charges.


Assessment regulations

Assessment regulations for our 2025 exams. PDF, 330 KB
View regulations

Qualification handbook

The IFoA qualification handbook, previously the ‘student handbook’, is an essential document for all our members working towards qualification.

Read handbook

Key dates

Exam dates, exam entry dates, results release dates, and other key learning dates.
Learn more

Exam and other fees

Fees for all the education services
Learn more

Access arrangements

Key information about access arrangements and how to apply
Access arrangements

Application Access arrangements

Download here

CB3 exam application form

The application form will be available once CB3 dates have been confirmed. DOCX, 50 KB

Exam entry form

The exam entry form is available during the exam booking window. (DOCX, 60 KB)

Non-member exam entry form

The non-member exam entry form is available during the exam booking window. DOCX, 50 KB
Contact us

Contact us

If you have any questions about membership please email us or call us on +44 (0) 131 240 1325. Response times can be found in our membership FAQs.

Email Member Services