Selection process for President-elect 2024/25

Regulation 4: Each year at least 60 days before the AGM the Council shall elect a Fellow or Associate to be President-elect with effect from the AGM.

1. The President-elect for 2024/25 can be any Fellow or Associate of the IFoA.

2. On Monday 19 February 2024 the President-elect vacancy will be announced on the IFoA website. Nominations will be open until 16:00 GMT on Friday 15 March 2024. Each candidate will be required to complete the nomination form, including a suitability assessment, on the IFoA’s website.

3. The Nominations Committee will meet on Monday 18 March 2024 to assess the nominations received and agree a provisional shortlist of members (circa 3) who are considered as suitable candidates to become President.

4. Should the Committee wish to know more about any of the provisionally shortlisted candidates, they will be invited to meet with the Committee on Monday 25 March 2024.

5. Once the Committee has finalised its shortlist of candidates, the Chair of the Committee will contact each shortlisted member for confirmation that they wish to be put forward as a candidate. The list of candidates will be announced to Council members once all confirmations are received.

6. Each candidate will submit for Council’s consideration, by Friday 26 April 2024, brief statements in support of their candidacy together with details of their professional CVs.

7. The election meeting will take place on Friday 3 May 2024. It will be a virtual meeting. The Chief Executive will be invited to attend, at the discretion of the President and Immediate Past President (the latter of whom will chair the meeting).

8. At the election meeting, each candidate will be invited to give a presentation of about 10 minutes to Council and then to take questions for about 15 minutes. Candidates will be invited to pre-record their presentations, in the event of technical difficulties, though these will be used only as a last resort. Candidates will not be present during their fellow candidates’ presentations. It will be made clear to candidates that they will be required as part of both their written and oral submissions to Council to provide supporting evidence of their experience and skills that meet the task and person specification.

9. All Council members (including the candidates who are also Council members) are eligible to vote. A single transferrable voting mechanism shall apply where the number of candidates is greater than 2. Ahead of the vote, Council will be asked to confirm that in the event of a draw the President should (as is custom) have a casting vote. This casting vote will be provided to the Corporate Secretariat in advance of the vote count.

10. Immediately after the final candidate’s presentation has concluded, all Council members present at the meeting will be invited to submit their vote via electronic survey or poll, as set up by the Corporate Secretariat, or email it directly to the Corporate Secretariat. Council members who cannot attend the election meeting will be asked to either submit their vote before the meeting or appoint an attending member as their proxy. The Corporate Secretariat will then count all votes received.

11. The Corporate Secretariat will inform the Immediate Past President of the name of the candidate with the most votes. The number of votes cast for each candidate may be disclosed to the candidates only, on request. Where there are 3 or more candidates, the number of preference votes received may be disclosed as well as the stage at which an individual was eliminated. This information should be kept confidential by the candidate.


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