CMI update – Health and Care

Mon 23 Sep 2024 -
14:00 - 15:00

This session will provide an overview of recent CMI outputs and is expected to include the below updates.

The CMI’s Assurances Committee will give an update on:

  • experience of term assurances in 2020 to 2022
  • considerations for term assurances post-pandemic

The CMI’s Income Protection Committee will give an:

  • update on experience of income protection in 2017 to 2020, subject to this being completed
  • overview of the committee’s plans

This session should be relevant to actuaries of all levels with an interest in the mortality and morbidity experience of term assurance and income protection policyholders.



  • Chris Reynolds, Head of Life Pricing – SiriusPt FIA, MMath, PhD
  • Zoe Woodroffe, Chair of the CMI Income Protection Committee