IFoA Loyal Address

On the accession of His Majesty King Charles III to the throne


Following the State Funeral of our late Sovereign Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the following message will be conveyed to the new King on behalf of the IFoA and its members, in acknowledgement of our Royal Chartered status.

Most Gracious Sovereign

WE, Your Majesty’s loyal and dutiful subjects, the President, Council and Members of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, humbly approach Your Majesty with the expression of our deep sorrow at the death of your beloved mother, our late Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II.

We most respectfully offer to Your Majesty, and to the other members of the Royal Family, our heartfelt sympathy for the grievous loss which has befallen your Royal House.

We remember with gratitude the unfailing commitment of Her late Majesty, delivered through her lifelong pledge of public service lovingly fulfilled, both to this country and to the Commonwealth.

We also desire to express to Your Majesty our loyalty and devotion upon your accession to the throne. We fervently pray that your health may be preserved and that you may long be spared to rule in peace and happiness over a prosperous and faithful people.

Given under the Common Seal of the said Institute at Staple Inn Buildings this twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-two.

M. SAKER, President