About us
The Scottish Board was established in 2010 and consists of members elected to Council by the Scottish Constituency and members who are co-opted to join the Board through a selection process
The remit of the Board is:
- to encourage and develop the actuarial community in Scotland
- to raise the profile of actuaries and the profession in Scotland
- to encourage and advance actuarial academic developments in Scotland.
Who's Who on the Board
The Scottish Board is currently made up of six Council members and a number of other co-opted members based in Scotland.
Leader - Caitlin Stronach (Royal London)
Deputy Leader - Jane Hamilton (Prudential)
Scottish Board Members
- Council: Alan Rae
- Council: Melanie Puri
- Council: Patrick Kelliher
- Council: Sandy Trust
- Council: Simon Jones
- Council: Dr Yan Liu
- Co-opted member: Andrew Murphy
- Co-opted member: Anne-Marie Pettie
- Co-opted member: Chris Anderson
- Co-opted member: Claire Yule
- Co-opted member: Ian Sharpe
- Lay-member: Graeme Jones
- Co-opted member: Mark Farmer
- Co-opted member: Mark Laidlaw
- Co-opted member: Nitesh Aidasani Khyami
- Co-opted member: Philip Darke
- Co-opted member: Saorlaith O'Neill
- Co-opted member: Thomas Taylor
- GASS President: Eilidh Robertson
- FASS President: Lewis Currie
Join us
There are two ways to join this Board:
- if you are a Scottish Constituency member, you can stand for Election to Council and, if elected, you will automatically become a member of the Scottish Board
- if you are based in Scotland, watch out for an opportunity on the Volunteer Vacancies webpage to apply to become a co-opted member.
Follow us on social
You can debate with others in the Scottish constituency by joining our Linkedin group.