The importance of socio-economic diversity in UK financial and professional services

Mon 10 Jul 2023 -
10:00 - 11:00

The UK financial services sector risks losing talented people and limiting productivity. Although employers are focused on hiring more diverse talent and creating fairer recruitment practices, there is a gap in retaining and progressing that talent.

The City of London Corporation led an independent taskforce in 2020 to 2021 looking at improving socio-economic diversity at senior levels in UK financial and professional services. As a result, the independent membership body Progress Together was launched in 2022. Its aim is to drive socio-economic diversity at senior level across UK financial services, and the IFoA is a firm supporter.

Please join us to learn more about this important topic in discussion with Sophie Hulm, CEO of Progress Together, and Stephen Mann, CEO of the IFoA. Stephen will offer insights from the work he has done with the IFoA and the city taskforce.

Featured speakers

As Head of Skills Policy at the City of London, Sophie was the founder and architect of a government-commissioned socio-economic diversity taskforce. Sophie sees a clear link between the skills and labour challenges that exist in UK financial services and the need for greater socio-economic diversity at senior levels. Sophie joined Progress Together as Chief Executive in September 2022.

Sophie sits on the SteerCo for the 30% Club and has led a number of high-profile initiatives including the Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards. Throughout her working life Sophie has focused on the power of business to bring about change. This includes working for a welfare-to-work organisation, a corporate responsibility membership body, and as a trustee for Governors for Schools.

Her dad is a working-class East Londoner and her mum a retired academic with immigrant parents. She lives with her partner and two mixed-race children who are big fans of Pokemon and Octonauts.

Chief Executive of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)


Peter Scolley is an experienced financial services professional with experience in insurance and consultancy. He currently works in enterprise risk management leading work on internal and external risk reporting. His past experience includes significant expertise in capital modelling and management, pricing and product development, and insurance transactions both in the UK and internationally.

Peter is a Fellow of the IFoA and serves on FinSTIC’s managing committee. He is also a member of the IFoA Risk Management Lifelong Learning Committee.