This series takes a fresh, sometimes challenging, look at some of the issues facing the actuarial profession and society
The ‘think’ series aims to promote debate on topics across the spectrum of actuarial work and beyond. It looks to provide a platform for members and stakeholders to share views that may differ from the IFoA’s ‘house’ view.
Through this, we hope to challenge the status quo within the profession, question orthodoxy, and shine a light on complex or under-examined issues. At its heart, the series is about stimulating discussion and dialogue to help tackle issues from a different perspective.
Our eighth publication in the ‘think’ series has been authored by insurance consultant Seth Williams. Seth spent nearly 12 years overseeing the strategic communications and political engagement of the Association of British Insurers. He helped secure the legislation that enabled Flood Re and the political agreement on reforming Solvency II.
Seth argues that there has been a long partnership between the insurance industry and government. He states that over the next few decades, the relationship will need to deepen as the sector deals with evolving risks and rising scrutiny. Actuaries are a crucial part of this. The piece serves as a tour d’horizon of areas such as net zero and AI where the role of actuaries will become increasingly important.
Read the full piece to find out why Seth argues that by continued active policy engagement, the actuarial profession could have a transformative effect. It could potentially enable the insurance industry to reassert its social purpose and build a stronger reputation.
Don’t miss the chance to join author Seth Williams live on 27 January for an engaging Q&A session on IFoA communities. He’ll be delving deeper into the report and answering your questions.