‘think’ edition 9: The population implosion: what choices do we have?

Our ninth publication in the ‘think’ series has been authored by insurance professional and IFoA Council member Dermot Grenham. His actuarial career has spanned life and general insurance in several public and private, mutual and shareholder organisations over more than 35 years. He lectured in demography at the London School of Economics for five years. Dermot recently co-authored a paper on fertility for actuaries, which was published in the British Actuarial Journal.

In this article Dermot:

  • discusses the context of falling birth rates
  • considers the causes and consequences
  • identifies some possible options for governments facing economic pressures and financial costs associated with increases in the old age to working age ratio

Actuaries have valuable skills in making long-term projections, risk management, and in pension and social security systems. Dermot believes these skills can help policymakers develop suitable policies and programmes that enable men and women have the number of children they desire. Read the full piece to discover how.



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Don’t miss the chance to join author Dermot Grenham live on Thursday 27 February for an engaging Q&A session on IFoA communities. He’ll be delving deeper into the report and answering your questions.

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The population implosion: what choices do we have?

The population implosion: what choices do we have?

Author: Dermot Grenham, insurance professional and IFoA Council member. PDF, 1.41 MB
Read issue 9
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‘think’ thought leadership series

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