FAQs for in-person invigilated exams at exam centres

Booking exams


1. I’ve booked an exam for the April exam session, but I’ve changed my mind and no longer want to take the exam in April. What do I need to do?

Due to the changes that have been communicated around the April 2025 exam session we will not be applying the usual refund policy.

Please contact memberservices@actuaries.org.uk to request a full refund by 17.00 UK time on 31 March (1 week before the start of the exam session).

Your refund will be credited to your original payment method.

Exam location options


1. I’ve booked an exam for April 2025, but I can’t see the options of where I can sit the exam. When will you be in touch to offer options to sit the exam?

Once you’ve booked your exam, we will be in touch with you to offer a location option.

If you feel the location offered is not suitable and you no longer wish to sit the exam in April, we will offer a full refund.

Please contact memberservices@actuaries.org.uk to request a full refund by 17.00 UK time on 31 March (1 week before the start of the exam session).

Your refund will be credited to your original payment method.


2. Why do I need to book before I know the location where I will be sitting?

Booking your exam will allow us to see the demand and location of sitters, which will allow us to focus on arranging exam centres in the highest demand areas.

Once we have successfully secured exam centre locations, we will be in touch within three weeks of your original booking to offer you an exam centre as local to you as possible. If you prefer not to continue with your April exam booking at this stage, you will be offered a full refund.


3. How will you know where I will want to sit the exam?

We will be using your preferred contact address saved in your ‘my account’ area.

Please log in and update your preferred contact address if you think this may not be up to date.

In-person exam centre experience


1. What equipment will I need to sit the exam in person at an exam centre?

Our intention is to confirm exam centres that will provide all the equipment you will need to sit the exam. But this will be confirmed once the allocation of exam centres has been agreed.

We will be in contact with all candidates booked in for the April session to confirm as soon as we have more information.


2. How many screens will the exam centres provide?

We are hoping to provide additional monitors that will be connected to a laptop for your use during the exam. You will only be permitted to use one screen during the exam, and we will be in touch to confirm details once the information is available.


3. How will I access the exam paper at the exam centres?

You will access the online exam system via the browser on your laptop, and you will need to download the exam paper to your machine for reference during the exam.


4. How will the exam be invigilated?

All exam centres will have invigilators in the room who will be monitoring all activity to ensure the integrity of the exams is maintained.

During the exam


1. Will the exams still be closed book?


With the exception of:

  • CP3 – exam candidates are permitted to bring the pre material into the exam room, along with any note they have made in relation to the pre material.


2. Can I write my exam paper?

No. A laptop will be provided for you to complete your exam. Unless you have an access and inclusion agreement in place.


3. Will I be able to take notes during the exam?

Yes. You may bring a pencil and a pen for use during your exam, as well as two pieces of blank A4 paper.


4. Will I be able to go to the toilet during the exam?

Yes. You will be allowed a maximum of two breaks during the exam. This will purely be for you to visit the restroom, with the minimum amount of disruption possible.


5. How will I submit my exam paper?

You will need to access the exam system on the laptop and upload your submission.

For those who have previously sat exams, you will be familiar with the online exam system as this will not be changing.


6. What can I bring into the exam room?

You are permitted to bring in:

  • a calculator is permitted, should you wish to use one during the exam. The exam centre will not have any calculators available for you to use.
  • Beverage: water in a clear bottle.
  • Snacks: small snacks, for example, fruit or a snack bar. However, you will need to be mindful of noise and keep this to a minimum. No crisps or noisy packaging is permitted.


7. How will I access the Formulae and Table book?

You will have access to a PDF version on the laptop in the room, or you may also bring in your own copy of the Formulae and Tables book to use during the exam.

However, please note you are not permitted to bring in any other exam materials including your own study notes.

With the exception of the CP3 pre-materials that are provided 3 days in advance of the exam.


8. What happens if my exam is disrupted by something out of my control at the centre?

If you feel your exam efforts have been impacted by something out of your control, we encourage you to apply for mitigating circumstances.

Visit our website for more information on our mitigating circumstances policy.

Related resources

Preparing for the April 2025 exam session

All the information and resources you’ll need as we adopt more modern and digital methods of assessment.
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Exam system technical requirements

All the technical requirements for our new exam system
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Access arrangements

Key information about access arrangements and how to apply
Access arrangements