Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA)

Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) – the global risk management credential for the future

The CERA credential provides risk professionals with strong ERM knowledge that drives better business decisions applied in finance and insurance and well beyond. Professional, ethical and trusted, with impeccable standards and integrity, a professional with the CERA credential is able to communicate effectively ideas with leadership and is qualified to play varying roles within an organisation, from risk manager to Chief Risk Officer and more.

Members of the IFoA can obtain the CERA credential if they:

  • become an Associate, including having a pass or exemption from CP2 and CP3, or
  • become a Fellow.

You will also need to:

  • pass, or be exempt from, the SP9 (Enterprise Risk Management) exam, and
  • attend a CERA seminar (this is for those passing the SP9 exam after 1 September 2012, or who were granted an exemption after 30 January 2013).  The seminar will enable you to investigate and discuss more practical applications of enterprise risk management.

Before you can attend the CERA seminar you will need to have passed, or been granted an exemption from, the SP9 exam. You do not need to have completed all the other exams yet.

An exemption from SP9 may be granted if you have successfully completed an:

  • MSc in Actuarial Management at Heriot-Watt University
  • MSc in Applied Actuarial Science from the University of Kent

The process to receive the CERA designation is as follows:

  • pass, or be exempt from, the SP9 (Enterprise Risk Management) exam
  • attend a CERA seminar
  • complete an application form for the designation and return it to the Partnership Executive
  • the Partnership Executive will contact you to confirm that you have, and can use, the CERA designation.

Members of other CERA accredited associations should contact their own association to find out how to obtain the qualification

To find out how CERA can enhance your career opportunities, visit the CERA Global website.

To learn how to get into Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), have a look at the risk management practice area of the website, in particular the pages on 'how to get into ERM'.

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CERA Flyer - A global risk management qualification for the future

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Global CERA - an international success story

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CERA Thought Leaders

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Associate Membership

Associateship details including how to apply.

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Fellowship is the highest level of qualification attainable with the IFoA.

Find out more

Contact Details:

Quality Team

We aim to respond to all enquiries within five working days.
