2024 Council elections results

24 July 2024

The results of the 2024 Council elections were announced at the IFoA’s Annual General Meeting this morning.

10 members were elected to the vacant General constituency seats:

  • Catherine Lyn
  • Akshay Dhand
  • Matthew Ford
  • Masimba Zata
  • Hugh McNeill
  • Riekie Gordon
  • Colm Fitzgerald
  • Malcolm Slee
  • Mark Williams
  • David Shaffer

Dermot Grenham was elected unopposed to the vacant Scottish constituency seat on Council.

Congratulations to all our new Council members, and many thanks to all who stood for election for their excellent candidacy.

Full details of the election, including the report of voting from Civica Election Services (who administered the election of behalf of the IFoA), can be found on our Council elections webpage.

A full list of our Council members for the 2024-25 sessional year can be seen on our Council members webpage.