The Sustainability Board

The Sustainability Board is made up of senior volunteer actuaries, drawn from a variety of practice areas, with experience or interest in environmental matters. It is the senior committee that advises the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) on important environmental issues.

The IFoA Sustainability Board seeks to create meaningful engagement by all actuaries, their clients, and wider stakeholders in understanding, and then in addressing, the uncertainties for economic and financial systems arising from climate change and other sustainability issues. The Board seeks to be a centre of expertise and leadership for the IFoA in climate change and other sustainability issues and aims to help identify, educate and raise awareness of the need for such issues to be addressed.

Dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues that affect actuaries

The Sustainability Board is dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues that affect actuaries in various practice areas across the world. 

Many environmental issues have a global impact and the Sustainability Board is keen to work with IFoA members across the world. It also supports the work of the International Actuarial Association Resource and Environment Working Group.

The Sustainability Board builds on the work conducted by the former Resource and Environment Member Interest Group (MIG).  The research and activities that were undertaken by the MIG are now conducted by the Resource and Environment Board. The Board supports a number of working parties, the Sustainable Development Goals MIG, and it is the Practice Board sponsor of the IFoA’s Financial Systems Innovation Centre (FinSTIC).

Board objectives

The Sustainability Board will work to meet the above through the pursuit of the following key objectives:
  • Equip current and future actuaries with the knowledge, skills and tools to embed climate and sustainability risks into all actuarial practice;
  • Articulate the potentially cataclysmic systemic risks; engaging with stakeholders, policymakers and regulators to influence them to take the urgently needed financial market and real economy actions;
  • Support actuaries working in specialist sustainability fields in their practice and, in turn, seek to encourage such actuaries to contribute to the ongoing development and understanding of environmental issues within the IFoA;
  • Engage with the IFoA Council, Executive, and Management Board to ensure that issues identified by the Board are appropriately recognised and actions are sufficiently prioritised and that the broader strategy of the IFoA is encapsulated within the work of the Board.

Find guidance on climate change

The Sustainability Board curates a climate change resource library with relevant and current information for actuaries.

IFoA Climate Change Statement

Read the IFoA Climate Change Statement


Sustainability Board membership 2023 to 2024:

  • Marcus Hurd (Chair)
  • Jennifer Stott (Deputy Chair)
  • Lucy Saye (Immediate Past Chair)
  • Kathleen Byrne
  • Marian D’Auria
  • Emily Forsyth-Davies
  • Wendy Kriz
  • Amanda Latham
  • Melissa Leitner
  • Darko Popovic
  • Thrinayani Ramakrishnan
  • Sara Ronayne
  • Rosalind Rossouw
  • Mike Sher
  • Wendy Walford
  • Dan Georgescu

Terms of reference

The Board operates within a Terms of Reference. The Sustainability Board is supported by one specialist sub-committee called the Sustainability Research & CPD Committee.


Becoming a Sustainability Volunteer

Would you like to get involved in sustainability and climate issues?  Would you like to gain experience in a rapidly expanding area of expertise that is critical to a sustainable future? 

If you would like to become involved, even just in a small way, please volunteer to join the Sustainability Volunteer Group, and become part of an active community working with the IFoA Sustainability Board. For further details visit our volunteer vacancies.

Contact Details:

Contact Details:

If you have any questions about a practice area, its working parties, Member Interest Groups or Board and sub-committees, please contact the Communities Team:


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