Events Archive

Past events and webinar recordings

December 2022

Online webinarNet Zero investing – a beginner’s guide

Investing to achieve net zero continues to be in the headlines and on the agenda of asset owners and asset managers around the world. As actuaries, we are often involved in helping clients invest to meet their liabilities, but what about investing to meet our liability to future generations who will have to deal with the impact if we do not curtail, and reverse, greenhouse gas emissions? Many initiatives have emerged to promote and support the transition to net zero, including a number of investment frameworks.

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Online webinarExploring non-executive director roles – devising your plan

Are you considering how best to diversify your skills and expertise while progressing your career in an uncertain world? No matter what stage you are at, acquiring additional non-executive experiences and learning new governance skills can open doors to unforeseen opportunities.

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Online webinarPensions and a changing economic outlook: lessons, reflections and looking ahead

The political and economic drama that has unfolded this autumn has made the headlines most days, while the detail and immediate implications immersed many actuaries for weeks.

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Online webinarDigital Currencies – CBDC, Stablecoins, Tokens and more

We come across the topic of digital currencies in various forums, and some, like crypto currencies (Bitcoins in particular), are frequently in the news.

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Online webinarBeyond actuarial analysis: Towards a systematic way of approaching risk

Mortality and morbidity risk varies by variables such as age, sex and smoking. In traditional actuarial experience analysis, these variables, and certain combinations thereof can be explored. However, with the wealth of data now available it is becoming increasingly challenging to identify the key drivers of experience and account for the interaction between different variables.

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Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

The IFoA’s online learning platform offers over 1000 items of original learning content.
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