AC CD: Actuarial considerations for Consumer Duty

Mon 15 Jan 2024 -
12:00 - 13:00

This webinar will give an overview of the new regulation and the expected changes in actuarial work that we expect to ensue (including pricing, product and propositions, risk, and reporting).

It will also look at the overlap and considerations for actuaries’ professionalism requirements, and how actuaries can use this opportunity to extend their reach into organisational decision making.

No prior knowledge needed. This is targeted at all actuaries with an interest in consumer welfare (therefore all actuaries!).

Attendees will come away with an understanding of:

  • what Consumer Duty covers
  • why it heralds a new approach to how firms must consider consumers
  • how actuarial work will be affected
  • what opportunities there are for actuaries to extend their scope of influence in embedding customer centricity

Watch webinar recording

You can watch the recording of this webinar on the IFoA’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Watch recording.

Featured Speakers

Alastair is a qualified actuary and leads WTW’s life analytics and protection offerings in the UK and Ireland. He has a particular interest in pricing, analytics, and customer behaviour and has worked with life insurers to improve data and analytics across the customer lifecycle. He has supported life insurers to implement Consumer Duty requirements, including setting up appropriate monitoring and management frameworks. He also has experience in regulatory reporting and capital management.

Donna is a qualified actuary and a Director within WTW’s insurance consulting and technology team. She joined WTW in 2023 having previously worked in and with large and small insurers, reinsurers, protection distributors, and banks. Specialising in protection, Donna has extensive experience in pricing life and health in the UK and European markets.

Donna volunteers for the IFoA as a panel member for its Professional Support Service on the life and professionalism groups.