Emerging Risk – A geopolitical Perspective

Please note

The webinar begins at 09.30 (BST) | 16.30 (GMT+8). 

Wed 12 Jul 2023 -
16:30 - 17:30

Emerging risks require a dynamic approach to risk assessment rather than the static approach of looking for longer-term reviews of emerging risks on an annual basis. Emerging risks such as geopolitical risk, climate change, cyber risks, and pandemics, to name a few, create a variety of discrete, linked, and compound events and cascading consequences.

When they crystallize, these risks can cause significant human, economic, environmental, and infrastructure damage.

Therefore, effective enterprise risk management should ensure ongoing review and improvements to existing risk frameworks by creating an emerging risk sub-framework to account for emerging risk identification, to identify, assess, quantify, represent, and communicate these types of risks and their associated uncertainties so that firms can minimize the strategic shocks associated with emergencies that arise from these types of risks.

This webinar provides key insights into key global geopolitical issues and explores how risk functions can contribute to more effective decision-making in their firms on this key issue.

Featured speakers

Lawrence Habahbeh, Director of HedgeGenomics Risk Advisory, is a seasoned geopolitical risk strategist and risk specialist. He has worked with leading global financial institutions and risk management software companies, developing expertise in enterprise risk management, market risk, and counterparty credit risk.

Lawrence is a prominent member of the IFoA. He actively contributes to shaping risk management practices where he serves on the Risk Management Board and the Operational Resilience Task and Finish Group. He also spearheads the climate and sustainability working group and the Black Swan Insurance Working Party.


  1. Identify the most pressing emerging risk in the present world (Financial system instability, climate change risk, geopolitical and cyber risk)
  2. Learn how to develop an emerging geopolitical risk sub-framework
  3. Incorporate elements of strategic foresight in identifying, assessing, and responding to emerging risk with a focus on large-scale cyber risk as a form of geopolitical risk.


Please register via http://bitly.ws/FiwF or scan the QR code to register for the webinar:

Register for this webinar

Registration closes at 23.59 (GMT+8) on 11 July 2023. Attendees who register successfully will receive an email confirmation on the same day.

On the day of the webinar, online log-in will open at 16.15 (GMT+8).

If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact ifoasea@actuaries.org.uk

Reading materials