A journey through TCFDs

Tue 18 Jul 2023 -
14:00 - 15:00

Get ready to dive into the future of sustainable finance! The UK insurance market is now at the forefront of transparency and accountability with the introduction of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reports. These reports provide a clear picture of a company’s exposure to the impacts of climate change, empowering investors to make informed decisions.

Join us in exploring how the TCFD reports are transforming the UK insurance market and positioning it as a leader in the low-carbon transition. We will reflect on the credibility of the commitments made and discuss what more needs to be done.

Featured Speakers

Zubair Arshed is a Life Actuary and has worked in multiple roles including equity release and asset reporting, liability reporting and bulk purchase annuities pricing. Currently he’s the Operational Lead for the climate change campaign within Grant Thornton’s Actuarial and Insurance Consulting Team.

Ellie L Hutchinson is an Actuarial Analyst within Grant Thornton’s Actuarial and Insurance Consulting Team. Since joining Grant Thornton, she has worked on several projects, including an end-to-end review to test the design and operating effectiveness of the process and controls in the finance department. Ellie has been involved in the team’s climate change campaign, where she produced a presentation for GIRO around using offsets to achieve net zero.