Effective communications for actuaries

Tue 23 May 2023 -
13:30 - 14:30

The webinar will cover:

  • six success strategies to get your ideas across the line in meetings
  • presenting with impact
  • audience engagement and involvement
  • common communications mistakes and how to fix them
  • how to go from good to great with confidence in any communications – updates, presentations, meetings, virtual or boardroom.

Featured Speakers


Brandon’s career spans over 20 years and includes working in investment consulting, investment banking, asset management, retail wealth management, and insurance-based investments and pensions.

He was a member of the IFoA’s Finance and Investment Board from 2009 to 2016 and is actively involved in a number of IFoA working parties.

As actuaries involved in investments, Brandon believes that we have an opportunity and duty to help protect and grow customers’ assets in a way that helps to meet their needs, while also influencing capital towards businesses that make the world a better place. This includes how we genuinely integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into pension and investment products to deliver a more sustainable world.

Gerardine provides interactive and motivational training and coaching sessions covering everything from delivery, content, message, goals and brand to winning business or attracting investment.

She guides top companies and executives to communicate and engage their teams, their clients, their board and themselves more effectively.

Her success is based on results, taking a laser-like approach to making complex information accessible, communicating with passion and purpose, and getting business working better and teams positively engaged.

Her mantra is ‘Get ready to meet the best version of you’.