An introduction to alternative economic thinking

Mon 27 Mar 2023 -
12:00 - 13:00

IFoA Thought Leadership Programme

The opening event in the Presidential Speaker Series will introduce ‘alternative economic thinking’ as a concept, including what each of the expert panellists perceive the limitations to be with orthodox, existing economic models.

It will seek to unpack the rationale behind the need for new economic thinking and some of the various alternative models being proposed.

It will also explore how new economic thought relates to actuarial work and how it might help address some of the big challenges where actuaries apply their skills.

Featured speakers

President of The Institute & Faculty of Actuaries

Matt has 30 years of experience working as an actuary in the life and general insurance industry. After a long career at Watson Wyatt, Matt joined Aviva in 2009 where he held the role of Group Chief Actuary until January 2022.

Matt’s responsibilities in this role covered all aspects of the Group’s actuarial methodology in respect of both Life and General Insurance. In addition, Matt led the development of data science and the embedding of climate risk within Aviva’s Risk management Framework. Matt plays an active role in the UK actuarial profession and was elected to the Council of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) in 2016, before joining the Regulation Board in 2018.

More recently Matt has been closely involved in the profession’s response to climate change, the development of the IFoA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy.

Chair of the IFoA Sustainability Board and member of the Economics Member Interest Group

Lucy is a dual qualified actuary and veterinary surgeon and chair of the IFoA sustainability board. She works in the Actuarial, Insurance and Banking team at Deloitte focusing on sustainability for insurance clients.

She co-authored a report on climate change tipping points for the IFoA and is the author of the IFoA's biodiversity practical guide.

Head of the New Approaches to Economic Challenges Unit at the OECD

Director of Rebuilding Macroeconomics

Angus is Director of ‘Rebuilding Macroeconomics’, an inter-disciplinary research initiative funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council and hosted at the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London. He is also Chief Economic Adviser to Lloyds Banking Group and a Senior Fellow at the ESRC’s ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ centre.

Prior to these posts, Angus was Director of Macroeconomics at NIESR and Head of Macroeconomic Analysis at HM Treasury. He has a PhD from Imperial College and is a Professorial Research Fellow at UCL.