Call for speakers

We regularly update this page with opportunities to speak at our conferences. These include GIRO, Life Conference, IFoA Asia Conference, and the General Insurance Spring Conference.

Explore our call for speakers below or read about why to present at a conference.

GIRO Conference 2024: call for speakers


We are looking for speakers for our general insurance flagship event. It is scheduled to take place on 18 to 20 November, in-person, at ICC Birmingham.

If you are keen to share your research, knowledge, or thought leadership with the general insurance actuarial community, we would be delighted to hear from you.



We are keen to ensure the conference appeals to a wide audience, covering all key areas of the general insurance sector. As we aim to ensure a diverse range of talks, you can boost your chances of selection by being unique, while still topical and relevant.

We are aiming to select talks across:

  • insurance market environment and trends
  • economic issues (for example, inflation, global economic outlook, social fairness)
  • technology in insurance (for example, data science, AI including machine learning, coding)
  • emerging and evolving risks (for example, ESG, climate change, geopolitics, cyber, digital currency, driverless cars)
  • regulatory environment (for example, regulator views, SII reform, IFRS17, personal injury discount rates)
  • pricing
  • reserving
  • capital modelling
  • non-traditional roles (for example, risk, exposure management)
  • actuaries in the workplace (for example, communication, professionalism, DEI, agile, professional excellence)
  • other


Proposal details

In your proposal, we would be grateful if you could include:

  • summary of about 250 words on your chosen subject (which may or may not be from the list above)
  • format of your session (for example, interactive live presentation, debate, panel session)
  • company and contact details of all speakers presenting

The summary should cover:*

  • target audience and assumed knowledge level
  • key outcomes and knowledge that attendees will take away (elevator pitch: what are the key areas you will cover and what is the benefit to the attendees)
  • other useful background information (for example, working party submission, uses results from a new survey)

*Target audience supports us in marketing your talk to the right audience to strengthen engagement. Key outcomes and knowledge are key for committee decision making as we can only base our selection decision on what is in the submission. You can increase your chances of selection and a larger audience by being as clear and specific as possible. Other useful information can encourage additional audience sign-ups. For example, members working in a particular area interested in the outcome of work done by a particular working party.



Submissions are now closed


An example of a good submission:

Why isn’t machine learning (ML) used routinely in reserving as it is in personal lines pricing?

Although there is widespread interest in ML, we see the same questions come up time and time again on difficulties and obstacles to incorporating ML into reserving. These are topics of substance with no single, easy answer and include questions such as:

  • why use ML for reserving in the first place?
  • how do you get your stakeholders (including auditors) on board with using ML?
  • how can we research and apply ML techniques if we don’t have access to granular transactional data?
  • how do you incorporate judgement or external information into an ML-based reserving process
  • are actuaries going to be replaced by data scientists?

In this session we will have a panel discussion featuring various members of the Machine Learning in Reserving Working Party (MLRWP) and we will discuss these points and others. The MLRWP has shared many of our findings and material in talks and on our blog.

This will be delivered virtually and will be a high-level session rather than a technical one. It should be of interest to actuaries at all levels with an interest in ML including senior actuaries and team leaders who are interested in using ML in the reserving process and may be asking many of these same questions.

Submit your proposal

You will be prompted to create an account if you do not have one already.

If you have queries, please contact

Submit proposal

India Conference 2024: call for speakers

29 November to 1 December


We are looking for speakers for our inaugural IFoA India Conference. Mark your calendars for 29 November to 1 December, when we’ll be gathering both in person and online at the Andaz Hotel in New Delhi.

Read more and submit your proposal

Why present at a conference?

Presenting offers a range of transferable skills that can help advance your skill set, both personally and professionally. These include:

Raising your profile

Speaking at a conference or event will increase your visibility and help you develop your personal brand.

Developing your communication skills

You’ll learn how to speak confidently to a room full of people and develop your own personal presenting style. You’ll become experienced at explaining your ideas clearly and succinctly – skills that you can then take back and reapply in your workplace, for example when chairing meetings, presenting to clients, or giving feedback to colleagues.

Building your network

Presenting enables you to connect and build rapport with an audience – useful skills that can also help you to network and grow your contacts.

Helping your job prospects

Not only will presenting look impressive on your CV, it also means that you’ll start to make a name for yourself within the profession, as well as being more confident in job interviews.

Helping your profession

You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you have passed on information and learning to your peers, helping to disseminate and develop knowledge across the profession.

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