Events Archive

Past events and webinar recordings

May 2022

Online webinarGeopolitical Risk – Oversight and integration with ESG practices

As current global events continue to demonstrate, geopolitical tensions present significant risks to corporates of all sizes. However, these types of risk are often not given the discussion time it needs at the board level or executive committee levels, nor the resources required to anticipate, analyse and mitigate them effectively.

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Online webinarThe Gender Pension Gap

The gender pension gap is the percentage difference in income between men’s and women’s pensions. It begins at the very start of a woman’s career and at every age bracket women are shown to have smaller pension pots. By the time they reach retirement, the average size of a man’s pension pot is twice that of a woman

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Online webinarMindfulness and professional effectiveness

The benefits of Mindfulness and self-awareness have regularly featured in some way in the media over the past few years. It has long been recognised by practitioners that mindfulness leads to a calmer and clearer state of mind, and better interaction with others around us… But what about the impact of mindfulness in the demanding professional context and senior governance roles?

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Online webinarFinance in the Public Interest - A Just Transition – Why it matters and how investors can enable it?

The latest IPCC report highlights the inequity of climate change, with those least responsible bearing many of the worst impacts. This event covers the unequal impacts of climate change, the role of policy and regulation in incorporating justice into the low carbon transition and the impact investors can have in encouraging companies to develop Just Transition plans, with speakers from the investor community, the consultant community and the policy making sphere.

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April 2022

Online webinarSystem Dynamics in Business and Society

Systems thinking is essential in tackling the increasingly interconnected and complex problems in companies and the financial system today and is increasing being used by actuaries. Systems Dynamics is a key tool in the system thinker’s toolbox and deals with how thing change through time, which includes much in business and society.

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Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

The IFoA’s online learning platform offers over 1000 items of original learning content.
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