Events Archive

Past events and webinar recordings

September 2023

Online webinarWho likes expensive beer?

This talk covers how to build a sustainable, financial and economic system to deliver a future worth living in.

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July 2023

Online webinarActuaries and Biodiversity: the launch of Biodiversity and Nature-Related Risks Policy

This webinar will formally launch the new Institute and Faculty of Actuaries' Biodiversity and Nature-Related Risks (BDNRR) Policy.

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Online webinarThe war against your own brain: cognitive biases and climate change

In this talk, we will explore the underpinning psychology, how identifying biases can facilitate the journey to net zero, and more.

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Online webinarBermuda Regulatory Environment - changes in 2023

Part of the Current Issues in Life Assurance (CILA) 2023 Webinar Series

This talk will cover the current material differences between the Bermudan and European Capital regimes for life insurers and discuss how the changes proposed by the BMA may impact on reinsurers’ future prospects.

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Online webinarA journey through TCFDs

Join us in exploring how the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures reports are transforming the UK insurance market and positioning it as a leader in the low-carbon transition.

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Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

The IFoA’s online learning platform offers over 1000 items of original learning content.
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