Bermuda Regulatory Environment - changes in 2023

Tue 25 Jul 2023 -
12:30 - 13:30

Part of the Current Issues in Life Assurance (CILA) 2023 Webinar Series

As the bulk annuity market continues to steam ahead, more and more insurers are now looking at ways to mitigate their increased longevity risk and capital requirements. One of these options is reinsurance to an entity based in Bermuda.

In Q1 2023, the Bermudan Monetary Authority (BMA) published a consultation paper on changes to the Bermudan regulatory regime, including calculation of technical provisions and Solvency Capital Requirements.

This talk will cover the Bermudan Capital Regulatory Environment for life insurers and discuss how the changes proposed by the BMA may impact on reinsurers’ future prospects.

Watch the recording

Featured Speakers

Senior Manager

Daniel is a Senior Manager in Grant Thornton’s Actuarial & Insurance Consulting team.

He has over 12 years of experience in the life insurance sector, with a particular focus on process optimisation and reporting. He has worked within both Solvency II and Bermudan EBS reporting regimes, in various roles.

In his spare time, he enjoys model building and spending time with his young son.


Harry is a Manager in Grant Thornton’s Actuarial & Insurance Consulting team. 

With over 9 years of experience in the insurance sector, he has experience predominately in reporting, capital modelling and development. He has worked in EBS reporting over the past 18 months, having previously worked under the Solvency II reporting regime.

He enjoys practicing martial arts and playing sports such as tennis and squash.

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