Other Boards and Committees

Council has established a number of Boards and Committees, in addition to the IFoA Board. Our Boards and Committees are one of the ways in which members can become involved in the activities of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

All of the roles, responsibilities and terms of reference for the Boards and Committees are set out in the IFoA’s governance manual (PDF, 1 MB).

Designated Professional Body (DPB) Board

The DPB Board reports to IFoA Board, but works closely with the Regulatory Board.
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Regulatory Appointments Committee

The Regulatory Appointments Committee supports the delivery of our regulatory function.
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Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee oversees the management of the IFoA’s Disciplinary Scheme
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Council Appointments Committee

The Council Appointments Committee is set up by and reports to Council.
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Regulatory Board

Its purpose is to help ensure public confidence in actuaries and their work.
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Scottish Board

The Scottish Board represents the IFoA and its activities in Scotland.
Scottish Board