The Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Chaired by Michael Bloomberg and heralded by Mark Carney, was established in 2016 to provide the financial services sector with a consistent and reliable means of assessing, pricing, and managing climate related risks. These recommendations enable investors to make better informed decisions and lenders, insurers, and underwriters to evaluate their risk over the short, medium and long-term.
Why is the IFoA getting involved?
Actuaries’ expertise allows them to identify and manage long-term risk. Actuaries can use these skills to play a vital role in driving the TCFD’s recommendations by conducting scenarios analyses that identify risk exposure and the potential effects of various mitigation measures. Without understanding the potential implications of climate- risk from these analyses, companies could face liability, physical and reputational risks. In addition, if a company does not take stock of its exposure to climate-risk now, the costs of transitioning to a low carbon environment in the future are likely to increase, placing a company at a competitive disadvantage.
The IFoA has produced a number of pieces calling the financial industry to take account of climate risk and recognising the recommendations of the Task Force as a vehicle for doing so. Our previous work includes:
25 April 2019
Watch the joint IFoA and IEMA webinar, ‘Task Force on climate related financial disclosures (TCFD) – introduction and perspectives for our professions’. The webinar is an opportunity to hear first-hand from:
26 February 2018
View the breakfast briefing presentation where Russell Picot, Special Advisor to the Task Force and Louise Pryor, Chair of the IFoA’s Resource and Environment Board, discuss the recommendations and ways for actuaries and non-actuaries to collaborate for implementing the recommendations
22 May 2017
Watch our webinar with Russell Picot and Nico Aspinall, former Chair of the IFoA’s Resource and Environment Board, to learn more about the work of the TCFD and how actuaries can play an essential role in creating systemic change.
12 May 2017
Read the IFoA’s Risk Alert to all members warning all members to ensure they understand and clearly communicate the extent to which they have taken account of climate-related risks in any relevant decisions, calculations, or advice.
To support actuaries implementing this, the IFoA also produced a practical guide on resource and environment issues that are relevant for pension schemes and pensions actuaries.
31.01.19 IFoA response to FCA discussion paper on climate change and green finance
15.01.19 IFoA response to PRA consultation on enhancing banks’ and insurers’ approaches to managing the financial risks from climate change
22.01.18 IFoA response to FRC initial consultation on the future direction of the UK Stewardship Code
22.01.18 IFoA response to the European Commission- Public consultation on institutional investors and asset managers' duties regarding sustainability
22.09.17 IFoA response to EU Commission EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance
10.02.17 IFoA response to Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
29.04.16 IFoA response to FSB Task Force on climate disclosure consultation
24.03.16 IFoA response to EU Consultation on long-term and sustainable investment