Library services

Find out how you as a member can access our extensive library of print and digital resources. 


Accessing digital titles

We have hundreds of ebooks and thousands of journal articles on our Actuarial Knowledge Hub. This means we can make many key titles available to members electronically rather than as physical loans.

To access this content, members first need to log in by following this dedicated member link. You can then use the hub’s search function to find journal articles and ebook content relating to a particular subject, or choose the Publication Finder in the Research Tools section to browse or search an alphabetical listing of available titles.

We’re always improving and growing our library of online resources. It is quick, easy, and environmentally sustainable.


Finding what you need

You can get links to prepared searches that find new books or journal articles related to actuarial practice areas, subjects, or regions in our new acquisitions and subject search.

In our library catalogue and Actuarial Knowledge Hub, you can compile reading lists of references on more specialist topics.

You can also get help with:

  • tracing and obtaining materials
  • finding biographical information
  • researching sources for research papers, projects, and dissertations

If you need assistance, please get in touch.


Borrowing print books

We lend out available printed books by post or courier from our offices in London and Edinburgh. To borrow a book, you can:


History and heritage collections

Our special library collections and archives relate to the origins, creation, and development of actuarial science and practice – a history of some 350 years.

Highlights include the Equitable Life Assurance Society archive, and the Institute of Actuaries’ and the Faculty of Actuaries’ historical collections. Please get in touch with the library team if you have an enquiry about these collections.


Visiting in person

For members and researchers who wish to access our library resources in person, we welcome visits to our historical collections. To make an appointment please contact the library team.


Library enquiries

Library enquiries

For any library enquiries, please get in touch.

Email the library team