The Actuaries' Code Principle 3 - Impartiality

Principle 3 - Impartiality

3.0 Members must ensure that their professional judgement is not compromised, and cannot reasonably be seen to be compromised, by bias, conflict of interest, or the undue influence of others.

3.1 Members must take reasonable steps to ensure that they are aware of any relevant interests that might create a conflict.

3.2 Members must not act where there is an unreconciled conflict of interest.

Users can expect Member’s work to be prepared on an objective basis, and for Member’s professional judgement not to be compromised. There are always risks that Members can be affected by bias, conflict of interest and the undue influence of others. They must therefore ensure they are aware of these risks and endeavour to act, and be seen to act, in an impartial manner.

Find out more in our Guidance on the Impartiality Principle of the Actuaries’ Code. You can read the Guidance online, download a copy, or view the questions below which will take you to the corresponding part of the Guidance:

There is also a Conflicts of Interest Guide:

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