Read about the QAS Committee’s purpose, key responsibilities, membership, and procedural rules.
Acts on behalf of the Regulatory Board to determine applications for accreditation under the IFoA’s Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS) and to monitor those accreditations once awarded.
Chair: Victor Olowe
Executive Support: Members of General Counsel Directorate
The Committee shall comprise up to 10 members:
Where matters arise that are deemed by the Chair to involve issues of particular commercial sensitivity for applicants or accredited organisations, the lay members of the Committee (including the Chair) will consider the issue and make a recommendation to the rest of the Committee without disclosing details of the issue.
A quorum is 4 of the members of the committee, including at least one lay member and one volunteer Member. It is recognised that the QAS is an international scheme and therefore it is desirable that a member with relevant international experience will be included in the make up of the Committee.
Definitions used in this terms of reference are from the IFoA’s Volunteer Information Pack.
Version: July 2024