Student membership application form

Guide to completing your IFoA student membership application

Please read our step by step guide to completing your student membership application form before completing your online application form.

Before you apply

If you are joining as a student member in order to sit IFoA exams, please submit your application well in advance of IFoA exam sessions. Deadline dates are published on our book your exams page.

Please be aware that once you submit your student membership application you cannot apply for any exemptions you already hold with other actuarial associations via the Transfer of Prior Learning process. Potential members are advised to review to the Transfer of Prior Learning process before submitting their student membership.

Reduced rate subscription

You will be able to apply for reduced subscription fees by completing the application for a reduced subscription rate section of the form.

Payment methods

You can pay by credit or debit card, AMEX, PayPal, cheque and BACS (bank transfer).

If you select BACS (bank transfer) you will be asked to upload evidence that you have made the bank transfer on the last page of the online form. Evidence of payment could be a screenshot or copy of bank instruction confirmation, which includes the date, amount and reference.

If you select credit or debit card, AMEX or PayPal, you will be sent an email with a link and instructions on how to make your payment within 3 weeks of your submission. Important note: If you do not receive an email with your payment link and instructions within 3 weeks please contact our Member Services Team below.

Bank account details for making payment to the IFoA are available on the payment method page of the online form.

Already registered?

If you are a non-member, who has previously registered to sit an IFoA exam, you will have been given an ARN and set a password as part of the exam registration process.

When you select My Application and begin your online student admission application, please select the Log In option. Once you have logged in using your ARN and password you will be taken to the personal details section of the online student admission application form.

How to apply


1. Create an account

Click on the My Application button at the bottom of this page.

You will be asked to create a username, and enter you email address, first name and last name.

Click the Create new account button to create your IFoA website account.

2. Validate your email address

You will be sent an email to the address you entered that contains instructions on validating your IFoA website account.

Click the link contained in the email. This will take you to web page where you can choose your IFoA website account password.

Important note:

If you cannot see an email from in your inbox after a few minutes, please check your junk/spam folder.
If you have not received an email containing instructions on validating your IFoA website account after 24 hours please contact our Member Services Team below.

3. Create a password

You will be asked to choose a password for your IFoA website account.

Confirm your password and click Save. This will take you to the personal details section of the online form.

4. Enter your personal details

You will be asked to provide personal details including: your name, home address and telephone number.

5. Employment details

You will be asked for your current position and employer details. You will have the option of telling us that you are not working.

6. Education details

You will be asked for details of your university degree or post graduate qualification.

You will not need to upload any supporting documents.

7. Payment method

Select your chosen payment method. You can pay by credit or debit card, AMEX, Paypal, cheque, and BACS (bank transfer).

If you choose bank transfer as your payment method you will be asked to upload proof of the bank transfer on the last page of the application form.

In addition to paying your membership subscription fee, you will also need to pay an entrance fee of £50.00. Please note, regardless of when you join, the subscription fee will become due again on 1 October.

8. Application for reduced rate subscription

You will be able to apply for reduced rate membership subscription fees by completing this section of the form.

9. Declaration

You will be asked to agree to be bound by the IFoA’s Charter, Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations, the IFoA Actuaries’ Code and IFoA CPD Scheme.

Once you have agreed and clicked Submit your application you will be taken to a web page confirming that your application has been submitted successfully.

Returning to your application

If you have saved an unfinished application, you can return to it by selecting My Application below and log in using your ARN and password.

What happens next?


How long will it take to process my application?

It will take up to 3 weeks from when we receive your payment to process your application. You will receive an email from confirming your application has been successful and you are now a student member of the IFoA.

When can I book exams?

Once you have received email confirmation that your application has been successful you can enjoy all the benefits of IFoA student membership, including booking exams.

Please note if you are planning to take exams in our April or September sessions we will need to receive your student membership application well in advance of the exam session. For further details, please see our book your exams page. If you are joining the IFoA as a student member and intend to sit your examination in our September 2024 exam sitting, you will need to submit your student membership application before 17 June 2024.

If you have any issue completing your form please contact our Member Services Team below.


Contact us

Contact us

If you have any questions about membership please email us or call us on +44 (0) 131 240 1325. Response times can be found in our membership FAQs.

Email Member Services