Renew before your Membership lapses

We haven’t yet received payment to renew your membership of the IFoA.

It’s important to renew before 31 December if you’d like to continue accessing the benefits, support, resources and advocacy we offer members throughout their career.

Once your membership lapses, you will lose those benefits, as well as the right to identify yourself as a member of a leading chartered body representing the global actuarial profession.

How to renew

  1. Please log in to your member portal and select membership from the left-hand menu.
  2. If you are presented with the payment status ‘payment not required’ and have received this email you are still required to renew your membership for 2024/25.
  3. To renew your membership, click on the ‘renew’ or ‘action required’ button on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Clicking on ‘action required’ you will be taken to a page where you can complete your CPD declaration. Once you have completed your CPD declaration you will be able to renew and make payment for you 2024/2025 membership subscription.


Paying by BACS?

When you select ‘BACS’ for your payment method, please make a note of the reference number created for you.

You will need to use this as your reference when completing your bank transfer so we can identify your payment.

If you have already made your payment by bank transfer, please send a copy of the remittance payment advice to the Member Services Team so we can allocate your payment.


Any questions?

You can find a complete guide to paying your membership subscription fee and completing your CPD declaration on our subscriptions web page.

If you’re taking a career break for family or health reasons, or because of redundancy or relocation, there are ways to make IFoA membership work for you.

If you have any questions about renewing your membership, or if you need any extra assistance, please visit our subscriptions FAQ web page.

Alternatively, you can email the Member Services Team, or call them on +44(0)131 240 1325, Monday – Friday between 09.00 and 17.00 UK time. They’ll be happy to help.