Current issues in Pensions

Tue 20 May 2025 -
08:45 - 16:25 (BST)

Join us for a full day of engaging discussions tailored to the needs of pensions actuaries, featuring expert insights, thought-provoking debates, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions and network.

This year’s programme covers a wide range of critical topics including:

  • an exclusive opportunity to meet members of the Pensions Board and its committees
  • climate change and fiduciary duties: an update
  • busting CDC scheme myths
  • update from the CMI SAPS Committee
  • the new DB funding regime: what are we seeing in practice?
  • legal update
  • IFoA Regulatory Policy Team updates including pension scheme design thematic review and professional skills scenario

Speakers will be announced soon. Last year’s event featured high-profile speakers such as the IFS’s Paul Johnson, the then Pensions Minister Paul Maynard, and his predecessor Steve Webb – so expect another fantastic line-up.

Do not miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the latest developments in pensions and network with fellow professionals. Secure your place now.


Activity Time Details
Welcome refreshments and meet the Pensions Board and its committees 08:45 - 09:30 Welcome refreshments and meet the Pensions Board and its committees Read more

An opportunity for you to meet and engage with the members of the IFoA’s Pensions Board and its committees. Gain insights into the key initiatives, priorities, and ongoing projects that shape their work. Whether you are interested in contributing to a committee, learning more about its role, or simply wanting to connect, here’s your chance.

Welcome 09:30 - 09:40 Welcome Read more

Speaker: Kartina Tahir Thomson, IFoA President

Keynote speaker 09:40 - 10:40 Keynote speaker: to be announced early February
Climate change and fiduciary duties: an update 10:40 - 11:25 Climate change and fiduciary duties: an update Read more

It’s been over a year since the Work and Pensions Committee evidence session into fiduciary duties and climate change. This session will explore how (the UK’s regulatory environment and) the industry’s understanding of the topic has developed, and issues faced by trustees and their advisors as science and modelling, investment landscape, and world politics evolve.

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

Morning refreshments 11:25 - 11:45 Morning refreshments
Busting CDC scheme myths 11:45 - 12:15 Busting CDC scheme myths Read more

In autumn 2024 the government consulted on regulations that would enable multi-employer whole-of-life CDC schemes. This reignited arguments for and against the development of CDC schemes in general, when compared to existing retirement and investment products. This short session attempts to distinguish between fact and myth. It explores how CDC might develop to find a place within UK pensions.

Speakers: Simon Eagle and Helen Draper, CDC Working Party

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

Update from CMI SAPS Committee 12:15 - 13:00 Update from CMI SAPS Committee Read more

2024 was an interesting year for UK population mortality with the lightest mortality rates for many years. This session, delivered by a representative of the CMI SAPS Committee, will:

  • comment on UK population mortality trends over 2024
  • cover the CMI_2024 model and the potential implications for UK occupational pension schemes

Speaker: Cobus Daneel, CMI

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

Lunch 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
The new DB funding regime: what are we seeing in practice? 14:00 - 14:45 The new DB funding regime: what are we seeing in practice? Read more

With the new DB funding regime now well established, many trustee boards and sponsors may be looking ahead to their next valuation and thinking ‘what does this mean for me?’

In this session Lorna Johns, Senior Director in WTW’s retirement team talks through:

  • the practical implications of the new regime
  • what we’re seeing trustees do in practice
  • how the relationships between advisers, trustees and sponsors and the valuation process itself have evolved to meet the requirements of the new regime

Speaker: Lorna Johns, Scheme Actuary, WTW, is joined by a representative from The Pensions Regulator to give their point of view on how they are seeing schemes adapt under the new regime, along with the new reporting requirements.

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

Legal update 14:45 - 15:15 Legal update Read more

Focus on topical legal issues.

Speaker: Andy Lewis, partner at Sackers

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

IFoA Regulatory Policy Team updates 15:15 - 16:15 IFoA Regulatory Policy Team updates Read more

IFoA Regulatory Policy Team updates including:

  • pension scheme design thematic review
  • professional skills scenario


  • Dave Gordon, Senior Review Actuary, IFoA Regulatory Team
  • Stephanie McGowan, Senior Regulatory Manager, IFoA

This is an interactive session designed to encourage active participation from attendees. The talk will be followed by a Q&A segment within the allocated time, allowing you to engage directly with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.

Closing remarks followed by networking 16:15 - 16:25 Closing remarks followed by networking Read more

Speakers: Gemma Cayton, Chair of the Pensions Lifelong Learning Sub-committee and Pensions Board member

Pricing and booking information

Members £100
Non-members £150


1-3 Staple Inn Hall

High Holborn



Events Team

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