Personal impact for professional success

Thu 22 Feb 2024 -
14:00 - 15:00

How we communicate ourselves and engage with others at work is key to professional success; we do not work independently of others.

Please join us in this session led by Joanna Gaudoin, where we will look at:
• what personal impact really is
• why it matters
• the key ‘tools’ you have to improve it to build better relationships at work – for both the short and long term

You will leave the session with practical tips you can put into practice.

Joanna Gaudoin (MD, Inside Out Image) spoke at our popular past webinar ‘Skills to future-proof your career’ (6 November 2023), covering a number of key skills. She is kindly leading this follow-up session to cover the personal impact topic, which appeared to create a great deal of interest in the audience.

Watch the webinar recording

You can view the recording of this webinar on the IFoA’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Watch recording.

Featured Speakers


Mike Clark is Founder Director of Ario Advisory, a responsible investment advisory firm with a focus on climate change risks and opportunities. He works across the financial system with asset owners, policymakers, regulators, insurers, banks, and others.

Much of Mike’s work seeks to accelerate action around climate change, given that the official climate scenarios are not decision-useful and have helped to generate unwarranted complacency.

He is a co-author of the recent USS/Exeter ‘No Time To Lose’ report, setting out narrative scenarios. He also co-authored the government-funded (DESNZ) EEIST-badged report ‘Net-Zero Transition Planning for Pension Funds and Other Asset Owners’. He is helping to make the case for transition plans for pension funds, dispensing with much of their little-or-no-value-added TCFD reporting.

Joanna Gaudoin, Inside Out Image, specialises in helping ambitious financial and professional services individuals and their organisations improve performance and achieve their goals.

She does this by helping them master and strategically use the business skills of personal impact and relationship management. These skills are required for professional success.

Before establishing Inside Out Image, Joanna worked in marketing and consultancy in large corporates. She understands the business world and its challenges. She now helps organisations and individuals understand how to succeed in it. She is the author of Amazon bestseller Getting On: Making work work.