CMI update on pensioner mortality assumptions

Thu 07 Sep 2023 -
09:00 - 10:00

The CMI will provide an update on its work on mortality and assumptions for pension schemes, including:

  • recent mortality for pension schemes and the general population, including the impact of the COVID pandemic.
  • the impact of results of the 2021 census on our understanding of mortality rates and improvements
  • the latest version of the CMI Mortality Projections Model, CMI_2022, and plans for CMI_2023
  • plans for the S4 Series pensioner mortality tables, due early in 2024.
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Featured Speakers

Matt is Chair of the CMI Self-Administered Pension Schemes (SAPS) Committee, which carries out analysis of pension scheme mortality and produces standard pension scheme mortality tables. He is a senior member of Aon’s Demographic Horizons team, providing advice on longevity and other demographics to pension schemes, insurers and reinsurers.

He is also a member of the profession’s COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group, which produced over 100 bulletins and other publications over the course of the pandemic, work which was discussed at SAGE and cited by the highest levels of Government.

Susan is a member the CMI SAPS Committee and also the CMI Mortality Projections Committee, which produces the CMI Mortality Projections Model and associated research, and monitors mortality in the general population. She is an actuary in Mercer's Policy, Professionalism, and Research team.

She leads the team's research on mortality and provides expert advice to colleagues and their pension scheme trustee and corporate clients on mortality and other topics.

Barnett Waddingham