New Capital Consensus: the investment system and how actuaries impact it

Tue 18 Apr 2023 -
08:30 - 09:30

The UK investment system is not providing the long-term investment capital necessary to deliver net zero. Green power generation, sustainable transport, and new energy efficient technologies are not receiving the finance needed to grow fast enough.

To blame is a mixture of perverse incentives, confused interpretations of ‘value’ and ‘risk’, and siloed knowledge and practices that instead promote short-term investment.

This webinar will focus on the work of New Capital Consensus, a project led by Chatham House, FinSTIC (IFoA), University of Leeds, and Radix Big Tent. It is applying a systems approach to understand the current financial system’s stocks, flows, and interrelationships. It aims to use this understanding to identify the leverage points that will enable system-wide change.

Actuaries play a key role in the UK investment system. This event seeks to challenge actuaries on the impact their work has in this sector and invite discussion on changes that can be made.

Featured Speakers


Peter Scolley is an experienced financial services professional with experience in insurance and consultancy. He currently works in enterprise risk management leading work on internal and external risk reporting. His past experience includes significant expertise in capital modelling and management, pricing and product development, and insurance transactions both in the UK and internationally.

Peter is a Fellow of the IFoA and serves on FinSTIC’s managing committee. He is also a member of the IFoA Risk Management Lifelong Learning Committee.

Ana Yang is the executive director for the Chatham House Sustainability Accelerator. Her interests focus on how to drive change for a fairer and more sustainable future. Ana has strong interdisciplinary work experience and is currently working on understanding how finance and innovation can enable the deep sustainability transition.

Prior to joining Chatham House, Ana worked at the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and was previously the executive director of FSC Brazil’s Forest Stewardship Initiative. She later joined the International Finance Corporation (IFC) sustainable business advisory team, advising companies and investors on impact investments in the Amazon.

Ana also now chairs the board of Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS – Institute for Climate and Society), a grant-making organisation based in Brazil and focused on climate change and social development.

Ashok is Chair of FinSTIC, the actuarial profession’s systems thinking group. He is also Chair of Mercer Ltd and NED of Sun Life Financial Inc. He has played significant roles in building several successful financial services businesses including The Phoenix Group, SJP, and EValue.

Ashok has been influential in the turn-around of large organisations including Scottish Amicable and Old Mutual Asset Management. He has also worked with the Bank of England and PLSA analysing financial system deficiencies.

Iain is Professor of Pensions and Finance, Pro Dean for International at Leeds University Business School, and head of the University’s new Centre for Financial Technology and Innovation.

He is recognised internationally as an expert on pensions and retirement savings, most notably on retirement decision-making, pension fund investment, infrastructure investing, sustainable pension systems, trustee governance, and fund management costs and fees.

He is widely published in international journals, a key contributor to pension policy and practice, and an expert advisor to a range of businesses, policy makers, and organisations. Iain has published widely in internationally ranked journals on pension fund risk management, mutual fund performance, and trustee decision-making. He has also published across a range of topics in accounting and finance, institutional economics, and corporate social responsibility.

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