From Egypt to Dubai: an early career perspective on progress made since COP27

Thu 13 Apr 2023 -
13:00 - 14:00

In November last year, the IFoA's Sustainability Early Careers Board provided coverage of the COP27 international climate summit on LinkedIn and on the IFoA’s blog.

Now, the group’s members, all early career actuaries and actuarial students, will come together to provide their personal reflections on COP27, review the progress made since, and share their aspirations for COP28.

Featured speakers


Sara is an actuary at the Government Actuary’s Department where she leads GAD’s climate change work. She is a member of the IFoA’s Sustainability Board and is co-chair of the IFOA’s Early Careers Sustainability Board.

Andrew is a qualified actuary with experience across insurance and pensions and is also a volunteer for the IFoA’s Sustainability Early Careers Board. All views expressed are Andrew's own and not those of his employer.

Elle is an Associate Director at WTW where she focuses on Climate and ESG risks for life insurers. She has 6 years of actuarial experience having previously worked in the DB pensions and bulk annuity industries.

Thrinayani works as an actuarial analyst in the Financial Services Consulting team at Mazars, working with life insurance clients on a range of financial reporting and consulting projects. She has also had previous actuarial experience within the life insurance and equity release mortgage industry. Thrinayani is a member of the IFoA Sustainability Board, Co-chair of the Sustainability Early Careers Board, and a member of the SDG Portfolio Team within the Sustainability Board.