Conscious leadership in a VUCA world

Tue 04 Apr 2023 -
16:00 - 17:00

Actuaries lead many initiatives and conversations in their organisations, influencing outcomes for different stakeholders, including their sector and wider community.

In 2023 leadership means leading in a VUCA (vulnerable, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. Especially challenging is the pace of change, which has never been so great.

Most of us have built a management and leadership style over time, mainly drawing from our experiences, beliefs (limiting or not) and values. The current environment often requires us to adapt our style rapidly; while some of us do this with ease, many of us need to improve our approach...

Join us for an interesting session with Hervé Essa, in which you can:

  • Become aware of limiting beliefs that block your personal and leadership development
  • Discover the key to transforming your leadership style
  • Note the link between leadership and human performance development and develop your resilience
  • Get an idea of the impact on your wellbeing at work and collective performance by developing conscious collective leadership
  • Move from “autopilot” leadership to “conscious” leadership

Featured Speakers


At the IFoA, Sophie is a member of the Finance and Investment Board and the Risk Management Board and Chair of the Lifelong Learning Committee for Risk Management.

Sophie has expertise in business strategy and risk oversight in the financial sector. She has held senior roles at international investment banks BNP Paribas, JP Morgan, and ABN Amro over 25 years. She has led global projects with multicultural teams to improve business performance.

As a risk and strategy advisor, Sophie has focused on 3 topics: digitalisation at the International Banking Federation, board governance, diversity and inclusion for senior roles and community development at European Women on Boards.

She is a member of the Risk Coalition Advisory group, helping to raise the bar for risk management in financial services, and regularly gives back to London Business School as an MBA alumna.

Hervé has over 25 years of international experience in corporate mergers and acquisitions, leading organisational transformations, supporting change management and empowering people in their individual and collective challenges.

Hervé is a permanent coach and mentor for the Executive Masters programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the HEC Paris Business School. He leads the Leadership programme, Coaching for Superpower programme and individual coaching sessions for the Executive MBA of the EADA (Barcelona Business School) and Ecole des Ponts Business School in France.

Hervé is a certified executive coach, professional trainer and speaker, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), organisation and relationship systems coaching (ORSC), Leadership Circle Profile certified (LCP), Collective Leadership Assessment certified (CLA) engineer, and holds an Executive MBA from HEC Paris. He contributed to the writing of Spiritual Leadership in Practice published in June 2021.

Watch a recording of this webinar on the VLE

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