DEI Consultation - Changes to the Code - 29 March

Wed 29 Mar 2023 -
12:30 - 13:30

Consultation Webinar on DEI and IFoA regulation

We are committed to carrying out our regulatory role in a way that promotes diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). As part of that commitment, the Regulatory Board is currently consulting on how it should more clearly incorporate DEI into the regulatory framework. This is part of our work to ensure that the standards we set support a more equitable profession, as set out in the IFoA’s DEI strategy.

Neil Buckley, Regulatory Board Chair, and Hannah MacLeod, Senior Regulatory Lawyer, will be hosting webinars about this consultation on 6 February and 29 March. At these webinars we will explain the detail of the Board’s proposals and allow members to provide us with feedback.

Further information about the consultation can also be found at our Consultations webpage, where you can access the full proposals and submit your response.