IFoA governance reforms webinar: 9 November

Thu 09 Nov 2023 -
15:00 - 16:00

In June, Council voted for changes designed to strengthen and modernise the IFoA’s governance. Following the announcement of these reforms, we received written objections from 194 members which, under the terms of our constitution, required formal consideration by Council.

Council met twice in early September and decided to pause its consideration of the objections until the newly elected Council members could be fully briefed and further engagement could be undertaken with the wider membership.

We are hosting 3 webinars for members to learn more about the governance reforms and share feedback. They are on 9 November at 15:00 GMT, 14 November at 09:00 GMT, and 28 November at 10:00 GMT.

Members of the Presidential team and the Interim CEO will be sharing why we need governance reform, what the changes Council passed are, and what the next steps will be. Crucially the webinars will have an open Q&A session where members can ask questions and share their views on the reforms.

To book for 9 November, please use the link below.

Alternative dates

Each of 3 webinars will provide the same information, so you only need to attend one to participate. To book for one of the other webinars, please see:

Email your views

We are aware that those who wish to give their feedback may not be able to attend any of the above events or may be more comfortable putting their views forward in writing. Members are therefore encouraged to send their views to governance@actuaries.org.uk. All submissions will be shared with Council members ahead of their deliberations on the objections.