Pensions and a changing economic outlook: lessons, reflections and looking ahead

Tue 06 Dec 2022 -
08:00 - 08:45

The political and economic drama that has unfolded this autumn has made the headlines most days, while the detail and immediate implications immersed many actuaries for weeks.

This session will reflect on the autumn’s market events and look to the future. It will step back from the immediate implications and instead reflect on the broader lessons for actuaries. We will also explore what the medium to long-term outlook is for pensions and actuaries working in the field.

Featured Speakers


Harvi is a Director at Isio with over 17 years’ experience in the pensions industry. She specialises in advising trustees of defined benefit pension schemes on funding strategies, member support, and more recently, pensions dashboards.

Harvi is a member of the Pensions Board at the IFoA and Chair of the IFoA Pensions Lifelong Learning Committee.

Glyn Bradley FIA, Willis Towers Watson. Deputy chair of the IFoA Pensions Board. He previously chaired the Pensions Dashboards Working Party.

Emily is a Partner at Isio and has advised a wide variety of organisations on their investment arrangements for twenty five years. Emily joined Isio this year from Aon where she was on the leadership team for 12 years alongside working with clients. She has practical experience with a variety of different governance structures including in-house fund management, evolving common investment funds/structures and implementing fiduciary management

Richard is an independent actuary with ten years' experience in the financial sector across trading, banking, consultancy, asset management and insurance. He holds a PhD in Engineering from Cambridge University.

With a background in applied maths and coding, his work focuses on quantitative model development, plus the occasional Excel spreadsheet. He also offers training courses for insurance companies to help actuaries to learn to code.

Richard maintains an interest in economics and monetary policy, writing occasional articles on the topic. His most recent piece - What will the Bank of England do next? - published in the November issue of The Actuary, looks at the economic outlook for the UK and the direction that monetary policy may take.