Managing the Online Examination Format

Mon 14 Mar 2022 -
12:00 - 13:30

This webinar will discuss good exam technique, including various approaches candidates can take in managing their time completing their exams in the online format.

Featured Speakers


Matthew is the Quality Manager at the IFoA, with responsibility for various Quality assurance processes within the IFoA: Assessment and Inappropriate Conduct Appeals, the work experience requirement for Qualification and student feedback. Prior to working at the IFoA Matthew worked for Oxford University.

Sally began her actuarial career in pensions consulting. Volunteering for the IFoA as an examiner led to her current role as Education Actuary, where she supports the IFoA’s education curriculum and the development & delivery of professionalism material. She has a particular interest in ethics, neurodiversity, and “all things Actuaries’ Code,” and has used her experience of supporting the communications examination to pen several novels.

Sonal is an Education Actuary at the IFoA, responsible for the general insurance practice area. She is a member of the IFoA Professional Skills Sub-committee and co-chair of the employee-led Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) group. Sonal is a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel of The Actuary magazine, and a Board member of the charity Actuaries du Monde (Actuaries of the World).

Colin is one of the IFoA’s Education Actuaries. Colin mainly focuses on the later subjects including the CP1, CP2, Life insurance, and Health and Care examinations.

Susan joined the IFoA as an Education Actuary in November 2021. Susan focuses on the Finance & Investment examinations, assessments and wider curriculum. Prior wo joining the IoA Susan worked as an Investment Consultant for 20 years, advising a wide range of pension funds on all aspects of investment advice. Susan qualified as an actuary in 2008 and holds the investment specialism.