• Some background on the risks of misselling in an ESG context, including the DWS case
• Achieving positive impact is a strong antidote to the risks of greenwashing or ESG misselling, however this risks having a tension with fiduciary responsibilities
• This tension can be resolved with a concept called Universal Ownership
• Under Universal ownership, investors have an appetite to make a loss in order to achieve positive impact, and yet still have no compromise on their fiduciary responsibilities
• This talk will run through an example of a universal ownership model, which sets out the following real-world impacts of investor actions:
Hymans Robertson
Sanjay qualified as an actuary in 2007, and has worked in a number of actuarial roles. He founded an NGO called Pandemic Prevention Network, which focuses on the risks from future pandemics. Pandemic Prevention Network interacts regularly with other groups focusing on GCBRs, or Global Catastrophic Biological Risks. In addition to this, Sanjay has interests in ESG finance, maintains a blog on this topic, and works as a consultant at Hymans Robertson. He has also founded a number of other initiatives.