IFoA Exam Preparation Webinar: Sitting your exam: A how to guide - Aug 2022

Wed 31 Aug 2022 -
12:00 - 13:30

This session is for new candidates and existing candidates where we will be discussing the practical steps you need to take leading up your exam and on the day. We will be discussing how to testing the online exam platform, downloading and uploading your paper and key information from the Exam Handbook.

The exam webinar is for candidates, new to IFoA exams and returning candidates, sitting in the September 2022 exam session.

Featured Speakers


Matthew is the Quality Manager at the IFoA, with responsibility for various Quality assurance processes within the IFoA: Assessment and Inappropriate Conduct Appeals, the work experience requirement for Qualification and student feedback. Prior to working at the IFoA Matthew worked for Oxford University.


Responsible for the delivery and Marking of the examinations. Worked in for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries since 2010.


Frankie is an Assessment Executive within the Assessment Team, who provide exam support to candidates sitting all IFoA examinations. The team is responsible for organising and managing the exam, marking and results processes to ensure successful delivery of all examinations throughout the year. Frankie works closely with the Examining & Marking Teams during the marking process, and the Quality Team each exam session.