Chartered Actuary Q&A with IFoA Chief Executive Stephen Mann

Fri 28 Oct 2022 -
07:30 - 08:30

In November IFoA members will be asked to vote on a proposed move to using the Chartered Actuary designation. Council believes that the move will protect and advance the status of IFoA actuaries globally, and lay the foundations for a flourishing profession for decades to come.

This webinar is an opportunity to hear from IFoA Chief Executive Stephen Mann and to put your questions to him and colleagues from the IFoA’s Council to help inform your vote.

Featured speakers


Chief Executive of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)


Chief Actuary at Mercer and member of IFoA Council


Member of IFoA Council


Annette Spencer, MA, MBA, Chart. PR, FCIPR, FRSA, has spent her career in communications, policy and marketing roles in financial and professional services, including senior roles at FTSE 100 and multinational companies such as RSA Insurance, Zurich, HSBC and Old Mutual. Latterly she has worked for membership organisations and is currently Director of Public Affairs & Research at The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). Her responsibilities include policy and public affairs, member engagement and propositions, and marketing, communications & events at the IFoA.