Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Exclusive 50% discount for IFoA members in partnership with Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI)

With the rapidly accelerating profile, development, and use of AI, actuaries involved in this work must carefully assess the potential risks, apply their skills in an ethical manner, and consider the wider public interest.

CISI’s Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence is a short course covering the fundamental ethical and management issues in the deployment of AI in finance. The 12 hour short course explores global developments in the field of AI and regulators’ responses to them, plus AI ethical dilemmas and what they mean for financial services.

About the course

By completing the Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence course you will learn:

  • how AI can be developed in ways benefitting society
  • the relevance of ethical codes in the deployment of AI
  • the importance of risk management when considering AI
  • the human aspect of managing AI systems.


Course modules

The course consists of five modules with online tests and an additional module of curated AI learning.

This is an online course with a range of interactive content, including videos, interviews, some reading and extra references and materials that may enhance your learning. You can undertake the learning at your own pace and then take the test at the end when you are ready.

Course modules include:

  • AI - an introduction
  • Ethical AI and professional codes of conduct
  • Risk management in AI
  • Strategic approaches to AI
  • Tactical development of AI (executive management)
  • Further module containing curated AI learning (videos/articles).

Once you complete all five modules and tests along with the additional learning, you will be awarded certificate, which is co-branded by ACCA and Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI).

You can find out more by visiting CISI’s Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence web page or downloading the course fact sheet.


How to register

In partnership with CISI, IFoA members can access an exclusive discount on the course.

Simply click on this CISI discount code link. Then log in to your member portal to access your discount code.

You can also navigate to your discount code by logging in to your member portal, selecting the CPD tab and then selecting CISI.


Course sign up

To sign up for the course, you’ll need to register as a customer on the CISI website. Click the sign in/register button and select register as a customer. You will receive a welcome email to login to your account. Create a new password and login to the website using the link on your welcome email.

Once you’ve registered as a customer, you can book your place on the course.

To book your place, log in to the CISI website then visit CISI’s Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence web page. Scroll down to the buy now section and select Add to basket under Non-member price.

On the basket page select Proceed to checkout and on the order summary section, enter your discount code and select Apply. Your fee will be updated to the discounted course rate of £60.00.

If you experience issues with the course booking process, please contact CISI at CertAI@cisi.org or on 020 7645 0777.


Accessing the course

Once you have completed your payment, you will be able to access the AI modules straight away.

You can click on the link to the Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the order confirmation email or login to the CISI website and access the course on their Learning Platform.

Further resources at the IFoA

Find out more about AI in our AI hot topics area of our Virtual Learning Environment.

The Alan Turing Institute provides a helpful glossary for some key data science and AI terms.

Read our Risk Alert on the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and outputs by actuaries (September 2023).

Members can also get support on ethical or technical issues through our Professional and Regulatory Support Helpdesk.