In 1919 the Institute decided to inaugurate a Gold Medal. In 1963 the Council adopted new regulations, and awards of Gold and Silver Medals were made until Council further revised the regulations in 1985, which included the replacement of the former Silver Medal by the Finlaison Medal.
The Gold Medal is the highest honour awarded by the IFoA and represents the pinnacle of actuarial achievement. Past recipients have contributed greatly to the field of actuarial science, leaving lasting legacies across the global community.
Download our list of Gold Medal recipients.
The IFoA annually seeks nominations for individuals who might be considered by Council for the award of an IFoA Gold Medal. They should be individuals who have produced work in the actuarial field which is of pre-eminent importance in originality, content or consequence.
To nominate someone, please download and complete a Gold Medal Nomination form (PDF, 127 KB) and return it by email to
Nominations for Medals are subject to the approval of Council.
If you have any questions, please contact the IFoA's Public Affairs Team.
The Finlaison Medal is awarded in recognition of service to the actuarial profession in fulfilling the responsibilities laid out in our Royal Charter, beyond that which would normally be expected of an ordinary member.
Download a list of our Finlaison and Silver Medal recipients (PDF, 360 KB).
The IFoA annually seeks nominations for individuals who might be considered by Council for the award of an IFoA Finlaison Medal. They should be individuals who have given exceptional service to the actuarial profession in furtherance of one or more of the various objects set out in the Royal Charter of the IFoA.
To nominate someone, please download and complete a Finlaison Medal nomination form (Docx, 65 KB) and return it by email to
Nominations for Medals are subject to the approval of Council.
If you have any questions, please contact the IFoA's Public Affairs Team.