Isle of Man: Manx Actuarial Society

About us

The objective of the Manx Actuarial Society is to create an environment for actuaries and actuarial students in the Isle of Man which supports their professional development and enhances their knowledge of current actuarial topics as well as offering networking opportunities

Who’s who in the group

  • President: Tom Morfett (Hansard Group), +44 (0) 1624 688 000
  • Secretary: Jonathan Phiri (Triple IQ Actuaries and Consultants), +44 (0) 1624 629072
  • Treasurer: Johann Marais (PwC), +44 (0) 1624 689689
  • Committee Member: Danny Winrow (Boal and Coal), +44 (0) 1624 606606

Contact us

Communications should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary at: