Exploring non-executive director roles – devising your plan

Tue 06 Dec 2022 -
16:00 - 17:00

Are you considering how best to diversify your skills and expertise while progressing your career in an uncertain world? No matter what stage you are at, acquiring additional non-executive experiences and learning new governance skills can open doors to unforeseen opportunities.

When is the right time to think about the next stage in your career, and what is the lead time needed to prepare? You may be surprised.

Whether you are considering preparing yourself for a portfolio career or just wondering how best to identify and land a board role, join our panel of experts to hear their valuable insights and guidance on what is needed to transition onto boards and be ready for that next move.

Panel speakers:

Anthony Harling and Barbara Schonhofer - founders of Harlschon Consulting, a specialist firm focused on supporting senior executives in their career transition journey.

Lisa Shalett – Co-founder of Extraordinary Women on Boards, and a corporate adviser and independent board director.

Panel chair: Brandon Horwitz – actuary and non-executive director.

You may like to take a look at this recent article in The Actuary magazine in which Brandon sets out the value that actuaries can bring to non-executive director roles and ways to get involved with them:


Featured speakers


Brandon’s career spans over 20 years and includes working in investment consulting, investment banking, asset management, retail wealth management, and insurance-based investments and pensions.

He was a member of the IFoA’s Finance and Investment Board from 2009 to 2016 and is actively involved in a number of IFoA working parties.

As actuaries involved in investments, Brandon believes that we have an opportunity and duty to help protect and grow customers’ assets in a way that helps to meet their needs, while also influencing capital towards businesses that make the world a better place. This includes how we genuinely integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into pension and investment products to deliver a more sustainable world.

Board Career Coach, Executive Chair ISC Group and Co-Chair GAIN a voluntary position.

Barbara’s career in the financial services covers 4 decades operating in the industry as a business leader and later as an executive search consultant to the insurance markets.

Barbara set out 45 years ago to better understand the complexities of much needed culture change in insurance. In her extensive years operating in financial services and as a executive search consultant, Barbara challenged normal practices and spotted the need to bring together women leaders in the London Market to network, over time creating an international community of women, for which she was awarded an MBE in 2018.

Today, Barbara’s focus is on offering career advice to busy executive as well as expanding the executive level membership of ISC-Group which nowadays is a non profit membership organisation supporting the advancement of all women in insurance and financial services.

Alongside ISC-Group, Barbara co founded and co-Chairs GAIN a non profit membership organisation to encourage better understanding and inclusion of neurodiverse individuals in the insurance industry

Barbara is a Freeman of the City of London and a member of the WCI where she co-founder their female network iWIN.

Lisa Shalett is a former Goldman Sachs partner who now serves as a corporate adviser and independent board director. She is the co-founder of Extraordinary Women on Boards, a dynamic peer-to-peer community of women corporate board directors focused on advancing board excellence and raising the presence and influence of diverse board members.

Lisa has held global leadership roles ranging from international equities, risk and audit, to brand marketing and strategic innovation. She managed Goldman Sachs’ brand through the financial crisis.

Lisa earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, and BA, summa cum laude, in East Asian Studies (Japan) from Harvard University.

Anthony has over 30 years’ experience in senior-level executive search and career-transition coaching, initially with Heidrick & Struggles International, where he held a number of leadership roles, and latterly as co-founder of Harlschon Consulting, a specialist firm focused on supporting senior executives in their career-transition journey.

In his recent work with senior executives Anthony helps his clients to define their professional identity, to develop a clear and distinctive personal brand, and to engage more effectively with their professional networks to achieve their work life goals.